πŸŽ‰ Preflight Checks Hackathon 2024 Link to heading

Results Link to heading

Here is the list of the winners.

3 Contestants, a bit lame to have had so little engagement, but that is a first, and the submissions were interesting, and some went over the top in terms of improvement of their original submission @tayOthman

🀩 Keep It Simple - $25 Gift Card or Equivalent Link to heading

A check that is both simple and smart. @andreasd811 you earned it. And I liked the fact this could scale eventually or become its own tool πŸ‘

πŸ’» Interesting Code Idea Elegance- $50 Gift Card or Equivalent Link to heading

I changed a bit this category because… I can ;p @KSalmon you earned it! The check makes sense, and while its complexity is average, it has interesting ideas in it. It would require some love, but this is a good first one

πŸš€ Most Advanced potential - $100 Gift Card or Equivalent Link to heading

A complete check that pushes the boundaries of quality control. @andreasd811 you earned it for its potential. I see the tool as an interesting validation tool.

πŸ§‘β€πŸš€πŸ’»β­πŸ€© Best of the Best - $200 Gift Card or Equivalent Link to heading

Simple, elegant, advanced, and maybe even smarter than the othersβ€”this entry might include a library that makes the check more reusable. Code improvements to the Preflight Checks Tools are also welcome. @tayOthman the tool is interesting and your involvement was outstanding! Good job πŸš€

Thanks for your engagement!

Best judges πŸš€ Link to heading

@sanzoghenzo you bring so much to the project with your knack and expert eyes for code quality/etiquette! Thank you man πŸͺ‚ @dosymep you are not bad too 😜

What is a preflight check in pyRevit? Link to heading

Preflight Checks are Python scripts processed through the Preflight Checks tool in the pyRevit toolbar.

It can take look like this:

Collect data from the actual documents or revit links, export the data collected for later use and comparison with historical data, …

The code for each check resides in the checks folder of each pyRevit extension.

You can find examples in the Main Tools Extension.

On your computer, it is usually located at:


Goal Link to heading

  • Make people aware of the tool
  • Make people use it
  • Create badass preflight checks for the community
  • Make it the one tool for QA QC, built by the community
  • Modularize the checks
  • Add more functionalities

Conditions Link to heading

Who can enter? Link to heading

  • Simple: Anyone! Even pyRevit enthusiasts and contributors can participate (though they will be excluded from the jury πŸ€”).

How to submit your entry? Link to heading

Timeline Link to heading

⚠️ The deadline for submissions is November 1st, 2024.

Categories & Prizes Link to heading

All relevant entries will be added to the official pyRevit preflight checks.

  • 🀩 Keep It Simple - $25 Gift Card or Equivalent

    A check that is both simple and smart.

  • πŸ’» Code Elegance - $50 Gift Card or Equivalent

    Code that is either artistically elegant or highly Pythonic.

  • πŸš€ Most Advanced - $100 Gift Card or Equivalent

    A complete check that pushes the boundaries of quality control.

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸš€πŸ’»β­ Best of the Best - $200 Gift Card or Equivalent

    Simple, elegant, advanced, and maybe even smarter than the othersβ€”this entry might include a library that makes the check more reusable. Code improvements to the Preflight Checks Tools are also welcome.

Jury Link to heading

  • Ehsan, Jean-Marc, AndreaG, and Dosymep, plus others willing to participate in the evaluation process.

How to create a preflight check? Link to heading

  1. Understand the structure; see the explanation below.
  2. Use the template.
  3. Try to use charts to make your data look good.

Structure Link to heading

  • Boilerplate
  • Document declaration
  • Definitions of all the data you are collecting in the Revit models
  • Main definition calling all the previous ones, organizing the data, and making the output look good
  • Class with pre- and post-definitions in case you need to clean up after the preflight checks
    • It contains the description of what your preflight check does
    • Its title
    • Its author
    • The startTest method that calls the check_model definition

Template Link to heading

The file needs to be named: relevantName-**check.py**, with the last part being the most important, as the parser looks for check.py in the folder.


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from pyrevit import script, revit, DB, DOCS
from pyrevit.preflight import PreflightTestCase

doc = DOCS.doc

πŸ”¦ Here, each definition collects info about specific Revit elements. Sample definitions to collect data about grids πŸ‘‡

def grids_collector(document=doc):
    grids = DB.FilteredElementCollector(document).OfCategory(DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Grids).WhereElementIsNotElementType()
    return grids

def grids_count(document=doc):
    grids = grids_collector(document)
    count = grids.GetElementCount()
    return count

def grids_names(document=doc):
    grids = grids_collector(document)
    grids_names = []
    for grid in grids:
    return grids_names

def grids_types(document=doc):
    grids = grids_collector(document)
    grids_types = []
    for grid in grids:
        grid_type = document.GetElement(grid.GetTypeId())
        # grid_type = grid.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.ELEM_TYPE_PARAM).AsElement()
    return grids_types

def grids_pinned(document=doc):
    grids = grids_collector(document)
    pinned_grids = []
    for grid in grids:
    return pinned_grids

def grids_scoped(document=doc):
    grids = grids_collector(document)
    scoped_grids = []
    for grid in grids:
        scope = grid.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.DATUM_VOLUME_OF_INTEREST).AsElementId()
        scope = document.GetElement(scope)
        if scope:
    return scoped_grids

Main definition where elements data is organized and where you make it look good

def check_model(document = doc):
    output = script.get_output()
    output.print_md("# Grids Data Lister")
    count = grids_count(document)
    output.print_md("## Number of grids: {0}".format(count))
    names = grids_names(document) # [1,2,3,4]
    types = grids_types(document) # [bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble]
    pinned = grids_pinned(document) # [True, False, True, False]
    scoper = grids_scoped(document) # [Name of scope, Name of scope, Name of scope, Name of scope]
    # πŸ”¦ Here, we output the data in a table but you could use the charts modules to get better looking dashboard like in the https://github.com/pyrevitlabs/pyRevit/blob/Preflight-Checks_Hackathon_2024/extensions/pyRevitTools.extension/checks/modelchecker_check.py
    output.print_table(table_data=zip(names, types, pinned, scoper), title="Grids", columns=["Name", "Type", "Pinned", "Scope Box"])

Main Class

class ModelChecker(PreflightTestCase):

    #πŸ”¦ This will be your check's description in the preflight checks UI πŸ‘‡

    List grids, if they are pinned, scoped boxed, or named

    This QC tools returns you with the following data:
        Grids count, name, type, pinned status

    #πŸ”¦ This will be your check's title in the preflight checks UI πŸ‘‡
    name = "Grids Data Lister"
    author = "Jean-Marc Couffin"

    def startTest(self, doc):
        #πŸ”¦ This is where you call the check_model definition πŸ‘‡

FAQ Link to heading

  • Where to ask for help?

    on the pyRevit forum

  • What is the story behind the preflight checks tool?

    David Vadkerti, Ehsan and Jean-Marc converged when Jean-Marc noticed David Vadkerti Model Checker tool, they brought it together with Ehsan to make the core structure of the actual preflight checks tool in Nov 8, 2020